Web-Based SSH Terminal

Installing Shellinabox on Debian

1. Make sure that your repository enabled and available to install Shellinabox from the that repository. To check, do a search for Shellinabox with the “apt-cache” command and then install it using “apt-get” command.

sudo apt-cache search shellinabox
sudo apt-get install openssl shellinabox

2. By default, shellinaboxd listens on TCP port 4200 on localhost. For security reason, you can change this default port to a random one (i.e. 6175) to make it difficult for anyone to reach your SSH box. Also, during installation a new self-signed SSL certificate automatically created under “/var/lib/shellinabox” to use HTTPS protocol.

sudo nano /etc/default/shellinabox

3. Change the SHELLINABOX_PORT with the one you want to access the Web-browser SSH Terminal and also add the SHELLINABOX_ARGS in order to allow access to the local server only with the custom domain. Instead of [Your-IP-Adress] type your domain adress (i.e.

# TCP port that shellinboxd's webserver listens on

# this should be used

# specify the IP address of a destination SSH server
SHELLINABOX_ARGS="--no-beep -s /:SSH:[Your-IP-Adress]"

# if you want to restrict access to shellinaboxd from localhost only
SHELLINABOX_ARGS="--no-beep -s /:SSH:[Your-IP-Adress] --localhost-only"

4. At the end of the file you can also add additional custom options to the Web-browser SSH Terminal page.

# Additional examples with custom options:

# Fancy configuration with right-click menu choice for black-on-white:
OPTS="--user-css Normal:+white-on-black.css,Reverse:-black-on-white.css --disable-ssl-menu -s /:LOGIN"

5. Start the Shellinabox service. The Shellinabox service will automatically start whenever you restart the Raspberry Pi.

sudo service shellinabox start
sudo /etc/init.d/shellinabox restart

6. Now let’s verify whether Shellinabox is running on port 6175 using “netstat” command.

/etc/init.d/shellinabox status

7. Now open up your web browser, and navigate to https://[Your-IP-Adress]:6175. You should be able to see a web-based SSH terminal. Login using your username and password and you should be presented with your shell prompt. You can right-click to use several features and actions, including changing the look and feel of your shell.

8. To stop the Shelinabox server type the following:

sudo service shellinabox stop