Configure Electronic Paper for 2.13 inch E-paper(BRW)
1. Connect the Hat board of the e-paper to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi. Then configure the basic environment:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install libpng-dev
sudo apt-get -y purge wiringpi
sudo hash -r
cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
gpio -v
2. Enable SPI interface via sudo raspi-config
3. Install spidev
and PIL(Pillow)
libraries in Python:
pip3 install pillow
pip3 install RPi.GPIO
pip3 install spidev
3. Try the 2.13 inch E-paper(BRW) with the demo code located in nas-kit-master folder. The display will flash red, black, white and finally a picture. The demo.png in the code is just a sample picture and can be generated according to your needs. The format of the picture is recommended to use the PNG format and the size of the picture: 122x250 pixels. The specifications of the 2.13 inch E-paper(BRW) can be found in nas-kit-master folder.