Cloud Print
Useful commands
Show available printers:
lpstat -p | awk '{print $2}'
Print a document on a custom printer:
lp [document_name] -d [printer_name]
Check the status of a custom printer (active):
lpstat -d HP_LaserJet_1018 -t | grep 'idle'
Automate files print directly from ownCloud server using Cron
To automate the print directly from the cloud, we use crontab to run the bash file every 1 minute (* * * * * [FILE_LOCATION]/
) or 3 minutes (*/3 * * * *
), etc. The script checks if files are stored in the Print_HP directory from ownCloud, then print all the documents and delete them from the cloud.
Automate files print directly from nextCloud server
To automate the print directly from the cloud, we use crontab to run the change the bash file above with the following:
## Check for files
while read -r dname; do
if [ "$(sudo ls -A $dname)" ]; then
done <<<$(sudo find /media/nextclouddrive/data/ -name "Print_HP")
## Print all files in Print_HP folder from all users
if [ "$refresh_request" = "true" ]; then
## Check if printer is idle
if lpstat -d HP_LaserJet_1020_raspberrypi -t | grep 'idle'; then
sudo find /media/nextclouddrive/data/ -name "Print_HP"|while read dname; do
sudo find "$dname" -type f|while read fname; do
echo "printing file: " $dname
sudo lpr -P HP_LaserJet_1020_raspberrypi "$fname"
## Delete all files in Print_HP directory form all users
sudo find /media/nextclouddrive/data/ -name "Print_HP"|while read dname; do
sudo find "$dname" -type f -delete
## Refresh nextclouddrive database
cd /var/www/html/nextcloud
sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --all &
wait $!
echo "nextcloud server updated!"