
Next I’ll present the use-cases for the application as described in Alistair Cockburn’s book: Writing Effective Use Cases.

Use Case Reminder

Primary Actor: User

System: Reminder’s Data

  1. User adds reminders into system, by completing the following fields:
    • Title
    • Priority
    • Date
    • Note
    • Tags
    • Status
  2. User choose to preview the reminder.

  3. User choose to edit the reminder, changing some of the fields:
    • Title
    • Priority
    • Date
    • Note
    • Tags
    • Status
  4. User choose to delete the reminder.


1a. Submitted data is incomplete:

  • Submission complete with no errors

3a. Submitted data is incomplete:

  • Retry Login by changing email or password

Use Case Personal Data

Primary Actor: User

System: ToDo Main Page

  1. User can choose how reminders could be organized:
    • Inbox
    • Today
    • Upcoming
    • Anytime
    • Someday
    • Logbook
  2. User can search for reminders using a serach bar, the keywords typed in the box text will display all reminders based on their title name or hashtags used.


2a. Submitted data contains illegal characters:

  • No reminder found

Use Case Account

Primary Actor: User

System: Premium plan

  1. User can choose to pay in order to have benefits:
    • No ads (Main Page)
    • Customized tags (Reminder Page)
    • Unlock This Evening priority (Reminder Page)
    • Notifications

Use Case Alert System

Primary Actor: Application

System: ToDo Main Page

  1. Based on the priority, some reminders will appear as a notification in time.

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