
Git has the ability to tag specific points in a repository’s history as being important, so we can mark release points. After that we can create a release to provide packaged software, release notes, and binary files for other people to use. Releases are based on Git tags, which mark a specific point in your repository’s history and they are ordered by the date they are created on GitHub. The first release of the application was created after one week as v0.1.

Two weeks later, database layer was added, so that anyone who uses the application can access their reminders based on their account. Also user is notified when the task is ready to be completed, using a background thread. These features are available on the new release v0.2.

In May 15, a new AI database was added and was implemented a Client-Server architecture. This also adds two more application which communicate with the main app throw HTTP protocol v0.3.

After some days a new version of application was released. Now users can create their owns workspace and also they can add reminders. To save time of removing taks after completion or removing workspace if it’s empty, the application will do all these operations for user v0.4.