Data Input


Here is a list of all the suggestion words used in the project:

  • as + [soon as possible]
  • even + [if]
  • by [the time]
  • case + [of]
  • followed + [by]
  • assuming + [that]
  • so + [that]
  • other + [words]
  • matter + [how]


Here is a list of all the abbreviations used in the project:

  • sth - something
  • w8 - wait
  • appt - appointment
  • approx - approximately
  • asap - as soon as possible
  • est - established
  • mr - mister
  • no - number
  • temp - temperature
  • vs - versus
  • etc - and other things
  • cuz - because
  • btw - by the way

Text analysis

Here is a list of all the keywords collected from the text:

  • tomorrow
  • today
  • yesterday
  • at [hh](:[mm])
  • at [location]
  • in [d] days
  • in [d] weeks
  • in [location]
  • (in the) next [d] days
  • (in the) next [d] weeks
  • next week
  • next day

e.g: Don’t forget to w8 for mr Josh at hospital in Cluj-Napoca in 2 days. Btw bring him food like snacks, peanuts, etc. Be there at 10:30 in the morning and remember, room no 207. #hospital #files

Preprocessed text: Don’t forget to wait for mister Josh at hospital in Cluj-Napoca in 2 days. By the way bring him food like snacks, peanuts, and other things. Be there at 10:30 in the morning and remember, room number 207. #hospital #files

Date: 08-May-19 10:30:00 AM
Location: Cluj-Napoca
Hashtags: #hospital #files