VS Enterprise

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows Forms which is used in this project.

  • Code Map – Visually debug applications to understand dependencies for even the largest codebases
  • CodeLens - Find references to a piece of code, changes to your code, linked bugs, work items, code reviews, and unit tests.
  • Live Unit Testing – Automatically execute impacted unit tests as code is being written with live visualization of results and code coverage
  • Live Dependency Validation – Ensure the code complies to the architectural dependency rules at real-time
  • IntelliTrace – Historical debugging to help teams debug issues that are hard to reproduce


  • EntityFramework by Microsoft
  • MySQL.Data by Oracle v6.10.8
  • MySQL.Data.Entity by Oracle v6.10.8
  • NHibernate by NHibernate community, Hibernate community
  • FluentNHibernate by James Gregory and contributors
  • NUnit by Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
  • Newtonsoft.Json by James Newton-King
  • Remotion.Linq by rubicon IT GmbH
  • Remotion.Linq.EagerFetching by rubicon IT GmbH
  • Iesi.Collections by Aidant Systems, Jason Smith, NHibernate community
  • Antlr3.Runtime by Sam Harwell, Terence Parr

Table of contents