Weather API

Application displays a weather forecast from website. The first step in using is to get an API ID which is free by signing up for a free account.

This library takes what openweathermap api returns in JSON, and converts it to C# objects for easy interaction with in C# projects. The application need some Frameworks to work installed from NuGet:

  • Newtonsoft.Json by James Newton-King


  • Clouds
    • All - Level of cloudiness (percentage of cloud cover?)
  • Coords
    • Longitude - Query location longitude
    • Latitude - Query location latitude
  • Main
    • CelsiusCurrent - Returns converted Kelvin values of current temperature in Centigrade
    • FahrenheitCurrent - Returns converted Kelvin values of current temperature in Fahrenheight
    • KelvinCurrent - Returns raw openweather API values for temperature in Kelvin
    • CelsiusMinimum - Returns converted Kelvin values of minimum temperature in Centigrade
    • CelsiusMaximum - Returns converted Kelvin values of maximum temperature in Centigrade
    • FahrenheitMinimum - Returns converted Kelvin values of minimum temperature in Fahrenheight
    • FahrenheitMaximum - Returns converted Kelvin values of maximum temperature in Fahrenheight
    • KelvinMinimum - Returns raw openweather API values for minimum temperature in Kelvin
    • KelvinMaximum - Returns raw openweather API values for maximum temperatures in Kelvin
    • SeaLevel - Returns atmospheric pressure on sea level, hPa, raw from openweather API
    • GroundLevel - Returns atmospheric pressure on ground level, hPa, raw from openweather API
  • Rain
    • 3h - Returns rain related data for the last 3 hours at query location (if available).
  • Snow
    • 3h - Returns snow related data for the last 3 hours at query location (if available).
  • Sys
    • Type - System related parameter, avoid usage
    • ID - Openweather API city identification int
    • Message - System related parameter, avoid usage
    • Country - Country code of given query location
    • Sunrise - Returns DateTime for sunrise converted from openweather API returned unix time.
    • Sunset - Returns DateTime for sunset converted from openweather API returned unix time.
  • Weather
    • ID - System related parameter, avoid usage
    • Main - Main description of the weather (IE rain, snow, etc.)
    • Description - Description of main parameter (heavy intensity rain, etc)
    • Icon - Weather icon ID
  • Wind
    • SpeedMetersPerSecond - Gives wind speed in raw values returned by openweathermap api, in meters per second
    • SpeedFeetPerSecond - Gives wind speed in converted values in feet per second
    • Direction - Returns DirectionEnum with details of direction of wind on basis of degree
    • Degree - Returns raw 360-oriented degree returned by openweathermap api
    • Gust - Returns speed of wind gusts in meters per second

Table of contents