

  1. Alistair Cockburn – Writing Effective Use Cases, ÓA.Cockburn 1999
  2. OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I Certification Guide - Mala Gupta 2017


  1. PictureBox Control, Load a Picture Using the Designer, Set Pictures at Run Time
  2. Breakpoints in Visual Studio debugger
  3. Compare files using Compare dialog (Git commits)
  4. Class Diagram
  5. STAThreadAttribute Class
  6. Unit testing (NUnit)
  7. Windows Forms
  8. Using XML with C#
  9. Multi-Threading Forms
  10. CodeLens
  11. MoSCoW
  12. Tagging
  13. Vector Icons
  14. NuGet
  15. NHibernate Website
  16. NHibernate Documentation (Chapter 9)
  17. Threads
  18. MessageBox
  19. Code maps
  20. EER Diagram
  21. Open Weather Map
  22. GitHub Pages
  23. Deployment Diagram (Link 2)
  24. WCF Service
  25. Safe Thread calls
  26. Using JSON with C#
  27. SetConsoleCtrlHandler function
  28. Batch File
  29. Git Tags
  30. OpenFileDialog
  31. Read/Write BLOB